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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Reasons to retire in Mexico

Mexico get a minimum of thousand retirees every year and more and more Canadians and Mexicans are planning their retirement homes in Mexico. It is expected that this number will explode as more and more baby boomers quit working and retire.

Some may ask reasons for your Mexico retirement. Here are some of the reasons that can be given:

As you get older you would want to live in warmer climates. One would not like to live in cold places and where there is abundant snow fall and keep shoveling the snow often. One would like to go out for walks, sit in the parks and chat with friends, or go out dining. Mexico offers you all these and hence is the most sought after place for retirement.

Cost of Living:
After the person retires the income become half of what they earned while in service. But, compromising on a life style is also not possible. The cost of living in Mexico is very less and can be easily afforded by a retired person. The cost of property is also cheap compared to the other places and la paz real estate has very good options for the retired personnel.

Quality of Life:
The quality of life in Mexico can be said as incomparable to the other places.This feature is quite intangible and every aspect like the people, the pace of the place, the culture, and the food is much suitable for a retired person.

Domestic Help:
Getting a domestic help in Mexico is very easy. Be it gardener, cook, baby sitter, caretaker they are all very easy to get and that too for a reasonable cost that was unthinkable when living in the United States.

Mexico has become a very modern city and it has all the facilities to live comfortably. It also has high end technology facilities like internet, phone connections etc. Health care and recreation facilities are also extremely good and well maintained. Real estate is low in cost compared to the other places and real estate baja offers good facilities to those who want to make Mexico their home. Hence, in order to settle down in Mexico one need not give up the modern lifestyle facilities they are used to in the United States or elsewhere.

The sense of community is very strong in Mexico and people make friends with ease. People tend to spend more time in the public rather than in their homes. Most of the Mexican towns have the concept of volunteering where people are given a chance to give back to their city as much as they got.

Though Spanish is the language of Mexico most people can speak in English. This is mainly because of many foreigners are making Mexico their retirement home. Apart from this the location is also extremely beautiful. Mountains, lakes, prairie, high desert, beautiful beaches, jungle, and ancient ruins name it and Mexico has got it all. The most important thing – Safety which is most sought after is very much present in Mexico. People can walk safely on the roads and also not fear of break-ins in their homes. Mexico is also a great place to learn new things and make your life after retirement very interesting.


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